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 Welcome To Our Infant/ Toddler Program 

Cognitive Skills 


• Can differentiate responses to familiar and unfamiliar people, events and objects

• Can mirror simple actions
• Can anticipate next steps in simple familiar routines and games

• Can explore real objects, people and actions

• Can actively use body to find out about the world

• Can explore properties of objects

• Can use simple actions to make things happen

• Can examine objects with mouth, hands and tongue



Literacy Skills


• Can respond to language and sound

• Can express wants, needs and feelings with intentional sound inflection and gestures

• Can show an interest in books, pictures, songs and rhymes

• Can respond when familiar books are read aloud

• Can vocalize sounds

• Can transfer and manipulate an object with hands

Young Explorer Readiness Skills


• Can explore the use of a sippy cup

• Can explore soft Table foods (with parent approval)

• Can crawl

• Can pull to standing with or without help

• Can find a toy that is hidden

• Can respond to his name 

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