Welcome To Our Preschool Program
Reading Skills
Math Skills
Writing Skills
Can listen to an entire story being read aloud
Can retell simple short familiar stories
Can use pictures to describe and predict stories and information in books
Can distinguish pictures from letters and words in text
Can distinguish between sounds that are the same and different
Can recognize name in environmental print
Can name most letters of the alphabet
Can produce sounds of the alphabet
Can use a three-finger grasp to hold a writing tool
Can print some letters of name correctly
Can demonstrate correct letter formation of some letters in own writing
Can “read” what child has written
Can use drawing, dictating and emergent writing to create a variety of text
Can solve addition word problems using objects within 10
Can solve subtraction word problems using objects within 10
Can count to 15 by ones
Can count on from any number within 15
Can identify numerals zero to nine
Can write numerals zero to five
Can count to tell how many objects are in a group up to 10
Can compare groups of objects, telling which group is greater than, less than or equal to a group
Can sort objects into given groups
Can identify and give attributes of a circle, square, rectangle and triangle
Can understand positional words (under, on, in, up, down)
Can combine simple shapes to form larger shapes