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 Welcome To Our Pre-K Program 

Reading Skills 

Writing Skills 

Math Skills

• Can ask and answer questions about the characters and major events in a story

• Can identify the characters and major events in a story

• Can describe what part of the story the illustration depicts

• Can define the role of author and illustrator of a story

• Can discuss similarities and differences between two texts on the same topic

• Can recognize and produce rhyming words

• Can blend and segment spoken words into syllables

• Can blend and segment onset and rime in single-syllable spoken words

• Can identify the initial and final sound in a word

• Can “read” familiar environmental print words

• Can recognize the sounds of all lower and upper case letters

• Can name all lower and upper case letters

• Can hold a book correctly when “reading” it  

• Can use a three-finger grasp to hold a writing tool

• Can print own name with correct capitalization

• Can print meaningful words with mock letters and some actual letters 

• Can demonstrate correct letter formation of most letters 

• Can write clusters of letters to show individual words

• Can “read” what child has written 

• Can attempt to use punctuation in writing

• Can use drawing, dictating and emergent writing to create a variety of text  

• Can solve addition word problems using objects

• Can solve subtraction word problems using objects

• Can find all the ways to make 10 with the numbers one to nine using objects

• Can find all the ways to make 10 with the numbers one to nine using drawings

• Can count to 20 by ones

• Can count to 50 by tens

• Can count on from any number within 20  

• Can write numbers zero to nine

• Can count to tell how many

objects are in a group up to 20

• Can compare groups of objects, telling which group is greater than, less than or equal to a group

• Can answer questions based on simple data

• Can order objects using measurable attributes

• Can sort objects by one or more attributes

• Can identify and give attributes of a circle, square, rectangle, triangle and hexagon

• Can recognize, duplicate and extend simple patterns

• Can measure length and volume using non-standard measurement tools

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Little Red Riding Hood Corp

237 Lefferts Avenue 

Brooklyn, NY 11225

Tel: 718-953-0900

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